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The golden goose

45 min / theatre / 3+

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Author: na motivy bratří Grimmů
Director: Marek Bečka, Buchty a loutky
Stage design and Puppets: Robert Smolík. Music: Tomáš Procházka. Puppets: Štěpán Pěnka, Radka Mizerová. Stage design: Adam a Jaromír Gottliebovi. Cast, Light and Sound design: Zuzana Bruknerová, Marek Bečka, Radek Beran, Vít Brukner, Lukáš Valiska.

O that golden goose, how shiny and precious it is, it attracts and sticks to everyone. Only the youngest of the three brothers, whom everyone thinks is stupid, prefers to take it to show the princess. That's because he likes the princess and wants to make her laugh. And he'd actually marry her. But the king is against it, so a good giantess has to come to the rescue. Greed simply doesn't pay, sadness is a bad mentor, and even the last and most ridiculed can become king in the end.


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